中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月17日悉尼报道,澳大利亚北部地区周二解除了实施近两年的暂停水力压裂开采天然气的禁令,此举将释放这个资源丰富地区的巨大陆上储量并提高其他省份效仿的可能性。 由于担心水力压裂这种钻井方式可能会伤害环境,澳大利亚北部地区——一个面积1.4万平方公里的从澳大利亚中部延伸到澳大利亚北部海岸线的内陆地区——在2016年9月决定禁止使用水力压裂技术开采天然气资源。 北部地区后来曾委托调查这种开采天然气资源过程的环境、社会和经济风险并在本周二接受了调查得出的“风险是可控的”的结论。 北部地区首席部长迈克尔在北部地区首府达尔文对媒体记者说,在北部地区暂停水力压裂作业的禁令将被取消,但在进行天然气勘探和生产前必须制定严格的新法律。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Australia’s Northern Territory Lifts Fracking Ban Australia’s Northern Territory on Tuesday lifted a nearly two-year moratorium on fracking to extract gas, unlocking vast onshore reserves in the resource-rich region and raising the possibility of other provinces following suit. The Northern Territory (NT), a 1.4 million sq km (540,000 sq miles) expanse of outback extending from the centre of Australia to its northern coastline, had banned hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, in September, 2016 amid concerns the drilling method could harm the environment. It commissioned an inquiry into the environmental, social and economic risks of the extraction process and on Tuesday accepted the inquiry’s conclusion that the risks were manageable. “The moratorium on fracking in the Northern Territory will be lifted, with strict new laws to be in place before exploration or production can occur,” Chief Minister Michael Gunner told reporters in the Territory’s capital, Darwin.