

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站4月17日伦敦报道,全球即将来临的10个最大海上重油项目在它们的开采期内将花费3690多亿美元的资本支出。这10个项目预计将生产出26亿桶石油。 根据全球领先的数据和分析公司GlobalData,这10个从全球18个即将来临的海上重油项目中挑选出来的全球最大海上重油项目在2025年前将每天向全球石油供应贡献40.05万桶石油的增量能力。 Ayin-Batsil油田——一个已经宣布的在去年墨西哥招标没有授出的浅水油田——是一个即将来临的海上重油项目,开发这个项目预计将耗资59亿美元,预计在2030年将达到日产92.9万桶石油产量峰值。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Over $36.9bn will be spent on top 10 offshore heavy oil projects to 2025 Over $36.9 billion in capital expenditure will be spent over the lifetime of the top 10 upcoming offshore heavy oil projects to produce 2.6 billion barrels of oil. These 10 projects, selected from 18 upcoming offshore heavy oil projects globally, will contribute incremental capacity of 400.5 thousand barrels of oil per day (mbd) to global oil supply by 2025, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Ayin-Batsil, an announced shallow water field in Mexico that was not awarded during last year’s bidding rounds, is the largest with anticipated peak production at 62.9 mbpd in 2030 at an estimated cost of $5.9 billion.  
