

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站4月17日科威特城报道,科威特石油大臣巴希特·拉希迪周一在科威特城接受科威特通讯社Kuna记者采访时表示,科威特计划在今年年底以前把本国非伴生天然气日产量提高到5亿标准立方英尺。 拉希迪是在第5届科威特石油和天然气会议暨展览会开幕式发表上述讲话的。他在主题演讲中说,科威特消耗的天然气中大约60%用于炼油和石化行业,而剩余40%用于发电行业。 拉希迪说,长期战略的执行将使科威特石油行业向前发展和成功应对未来。“我们认为,未来能源需求的扩大需要对所有形式的能源进行投资,”拉希迪如是说。 他补充说,科威特渴望保证通过继续投资扩大其产能来完全致力于为国际市场供应安全作出贡献。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Kuwait to raise non-associated gas output by year-end Kuwait plans to raise production of non-associated gas to nearly 500 million standard cubic feet per day by end of 2018, Oil Minister Bakhit Al-Rashidi announced on Monday.
Kuwait consumption of natural gas is about 60 per cent for refining and petrochemical sector while the remaining 40 per cent for power generation sector, said the minister in his keynote speech at opening of the Fifth Kuwait Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition.
“The execution of long-term strategy will enable the oil sector to move forward and adapt to the future successfully,” Emirates news agency Wam quoted the minister as saying, citing Kuna.
“We believe that the future expansion of energy demand requires timely investments in all forms of energy.
”Kuwait aspires to assure that it is fully committed to contribute to the security of supplies to the international markets through continuing investing in expanding its capacity,” he added.
