

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站4月13日新西兰奥克兰报道,新西兰政府日前宣布,在经过7年不断增长的公众抗议以后取得的历史性气候胜利中,新西兰政府决定从今以后禁止新的海上石油和天然气勘探作业。 通过结束新的油气勘探作业,最近当选的联合政府有效地把地球上第4大面积超过400万平方公里的专属经济区列入了禁止任何新的化石燃料开采。 绿色和平组织新西兰执行董事罗素·诺曼博士说:“在成千上万为保护我们的海岸不受新的油气勘探作业影响而奋斗了数年的人们的支持下,新西兰迈出了历史性的一步,为气候带来了巨大突破。” 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: New Zealand bans new offshore oil, gas exploration New Zealand’s government has announced that it has banned all new offshore oil and gas exploration in an historic climate win that’s come after seven years of growing public protests. By ending new oil and gas exploration, the recently elected Coalition Government has effectively put the fourth-largest exclusive economic zone (EEZ) on the planet — covering more than 4 million sq km — off limits for any new fossil fuel exploitation.
“New Zealand has taken an historic step and delivered a massive breakthrough for the climate, spurred on by the tens of thousands of people who have fought for years to protect our coasts from new oil and gas exploration,” said Greenpeace New Zealand executive director, Dr Russel Norman.
