

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月12日迪拜/新德里报道,业内消息人士向路透社透露,阿布扎比国家石油公司(阿国油)正在与包括沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司在内的几家合作伙伴进行洽谈,以寻求可能的海外下游合资企业,特别是在亚洲。 阿布扎比国家能源公司(Abu Dhabi state energy company)希望将其炼油产能提高60%,并促进石化产品的生产。 该公司11月表示,计划在未来5年支出4000多亿迪拉姆(1090亿美元),包括增加天然气产量和投资于国际下游活动。 阿国油希望在石油需求仍在增长的市场,如中国和印度,扩大其下游投资组合,为其原油保障出一个新的出口。 “作为阿国油进一步扩大我们的下游业务的一部分,我们正在探索一系列精选国际下游机会,特别是在增长市场。” “我们将适时更新市场,”阿国油发言人周三表示,拒绝就具体项目置评。 一位消息人士称,阿国油可能正在考虑的机会包括在印度的一个炼油厂和石化项目,该项目是沙特阿美于周三与印度本国炼油企业财团签署的初步协议。 消息人士说,洽谈处于非常早期的阶段,尚未作出任何决定。 目前尚不清楚阿国油是否会就同一项目加入沙特阿美。 3月份,印度石油公司(Indian Oil Corp)的一名高管表示,阿国油有意入股其计划中的西海岸炼油厂。 沙特阿美和印度勒得纳吉里炼油与石油化工厂的高管们——一家印度石油公司,印度斯坦石油公司和巴拉特石油公司的合资企业——签署了一份谅解备忘录,将在马哈拉施特拉邦的项目中获得同等股权。 沙特能源部长哈立德•法利赫周三在新德里表示,沙特阿美将在之后的阶段引入战略合作伙伴以分享其50%的股权。 沙特阿美首席执行官阿敏·纳赛尔(Amin Nasser)拒绝就是否沙特阿美与阿国油在该项目中的合作事宜进行洽谈发表评论。 该项目包括一个与石化设施相一体化的日产120万桶的炼油厂,总产能为每年1800万吨。
它将成为世界上最大的炼油和石化设施之一,建造以满足印度和其他地区快速增长的燃料和石化产品的需求,并为沙特原油提供稳定的出口。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: UAE’s ADNOC mulls downstream opportunities abroad with Aramco Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) is in talks with several partners, including Saudi Aramco, for possible downstream joint ventures abroad, particularly in Asia, industry sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. The Abu Dhabi state energy company wants to increase its crude refining capacity by 60 percent and boost petrochemical production. It plans to spend more than 400 billion dirhams ($109 billion) in the next five years, which will include boosting gas output and investing in international downstream activities, the company said in November. ADNOC wants to expand its downstream portfolio in markets where demand for oil is still growing, such as China and India, securing a new outlet for its crude. “As part of ADNOC’s further expansion of our downstream business, we are exploring a number of select international downstream opportunities, especially in growth markets. We will update the market in due course,” an ADNOC spokesman said on Wednesday, declining to comment on specific projects. One source said the opportunities ADNOC could be looking at included a refinery and petrochemical project in India, for which Aramco signed an initial agreement on Wednesday with a consortium of Indian state refiners. The source said talks were at a very early stage and no decision had been taken. It was not clear whether ADNOC would join Aramco on the same project. In March, an executive of Indian Oil Corp said ADNOC was interested in buying a stake in its planned west coast refinery. Top executives from Aramco and India’s Ratnagiri Refinery & Petrochemicals – a joint venture of Indian Oil Corp, Hindustan Petroleum Corp and Bharat Petroleum Corp – signed a memorandum of understanding to take equal stakes in the project in Maharashtra state. Aramco may introduce at a later stage a strategic partner to share its 50 percent stake, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said on Wednesday in New Delhi. Aramco Chief Executive Amin Nasser declined to comment on whether Aramco had been in talks with ADNOC for a partnership in the project. The project includes a 1.2-million-barrels-per-day (bpd) refinery integrated with petrochemical facilities with a total capacity of 18 million tonnes per year. It will be one of the largest refining and petrochemical complexes in the world, built to meet fast-growing fuel and petrochemicals demand in India and elsewhere, and providing a steady outlet for Saudi crude oil.
