

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月10日北京/香港报道,三名知情人士说,由于中国中化集团(Sinochem)转向具有更高附加值的业务,包括石化产品生产,中国的这家国有公司日前聘请了7家银行来管理其关键石油资产的20亿美元香港证券交易所上市。 直接熟悉此事的消息人士说,中化集团已经选择了中银国际、法国里昂证券和摩根士丹利作为其首次公开募股(IPO)的联合发起人。 消息人士说,中化集团还选择了中国国际金融公司、汇丰银行、工银国际和摩根大通来进行IPO。 这个计划中的IPO将包括中化集团的炼油、石油贸易、仓储和物流以及分销和零售业务,但不包括其举步维艰的上游业务,主要是海外油气生产。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: China’s Sinochem Hires Banks for $2 bln IPO of Oil Assets – Sources China’s Sinochem Group has hired seven banks to manage a $2 billion Hong Kong stock listing of its key oil assets, three people said, as the state-owned firm shifts to higher-value businesses, including petrochemicals production. Sinochem has chosen BOC International, CLSA and Morgan Stanley as joint sponsors of the initial public offering (IPO), the people, who have direct knowledge of the matter, said. It has also picked China International Capital Corp (CICC), HSBC, ICBC International and JPMorgan to work on the IPO, which is expected in the second half of this year, said the people. The planned IPO will likely include Sinochem’s oil refining, oil trading, storage and logistics, as well as distribution and retail businesses, but not its struggling upstream business – mostly overseas oil and gas production.  
