

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月10日华盛顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)在其4月份短期能源展望报告中说,即使EIA下调了其对第二季度和今年全年天然气产量估计,然而,美国今明两年的干天然气产量将再破纪录。 EIA还认为美国天然气消费量在今后的两年内将增加,其中发电将是天然气消费量增加的主要驱动力。美国能源信息署署长琳达·卡普阿诺周二表示,今年美国干气日产量预计将比2017年水平增加75亿立方英尺达到日均生产810多亿立方英尺。 4月份短期能源展望报告把美国第二季度可供市场销售的天然气日产量下调了11.5亿立方英尺至865.1亿立方英尺以及把第三季度的天然气日产量下调了3.3亿立方英尺至882.2亿立方英尺。今年全年干气日产量预计将下降8亿立方英尺至870.3亿立方英尺。 尽管如此,根据4月份报告,美国今明两年天然气总产量将从2017年的789.3亿立方英尺/天分别增加到870.3亿立方英尺/天和890.8亿立方英尺/天。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US EIA sees natural gas production breaking records even as it trims back forecast US dry natural gas production is on pace to break records in 2018 and 2019, the US Energy Information Administration said in its April short-term energy outlook, even as the agency trimmed its natural gas production estimates for the second quarter and full year 2018.
EIA also sees US natural gas consumption rising over the next two years, with power generation use serving as the leading driver. “This year’s [dry gas] production is poised to increase by 7.5 Bcf/d over 2017 levels to an average just above 81 Bcf/d day,” EIA Administrator Linda Capuano said Tuesday.
The April outlook lowered by 1.15 Bcf/d to 86.51 Bcf/d the natural gas marketed production estimate for the US in the second quarter, and lowered the Q3 production forecast by 0.33 Bcf/d to 88.22 Bcf/d. The full-year forecast for 2018 dropped by 0.80 Bcf/d to 87.03 Bcf/d.
Nonetheless, total marketed production was seen rising to 87.03 Bcf/d in 2018 and 89.08 Bcf/d in 2019, from 78.93 Bcf/d in 2017, according to the April report.
