

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯4月9日消息,英国石油公司(BP)周一表示,公司已批准Ghazeer项目的开发计划。该项目是阿曼大型气田Khazzan的第二阶段,阿曼石油勘探和开采公司是BP在该项目上的合作伙伴。 这家油气公司表示,这一决定是在2017年9月成功启动Khazzan第一阶段项目开发之后作出的。BP称,目前该项目已达到日产10亿立方英尺天然气和约35,000桶凝析油的设计产能。 BP表示,Ghazeer项目的开发将令天然气日产量增加5亿立方英尺,凝析油日产量增加15,000桶。 BP称,首批三个开发井的钻探工作已开始。Khazzan气田地区已开始进行初步的施工工作,以容纳第三条天然气生产线及相关基础设施。 Khazzan位于61区块,BP负责运营并拥有该区块60%的工作权益。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: BP to Develop Second Phase of Oman Khazzan Gas Field BP PLC (BP.LN) said on Monday that it approved the development of Ghazeer, the second phase of the giant Khazzan gas field in Oman, with its partner the Oman Oil Company Exploration & Production. The oil-and-gas company said that the decision follows the successful startup of Khazzan’s first phase of development in September 2017. BP said that the project is now producing at design capacity of 1 billion cubic feet of gas per day and around 35,000 barrels per day of condensate. The development of Ghazeer will see production increase by an additional 500 million cubic feet of gas per day and 15,000 barrels per day of condensate, BP said. Drilling on the first three development wells has begun, the company said. Initial construction work has already started at Khazzan to accommodate a third gas train and associated infrastructure. The Khazzan project is on Block 61, which BP operates and holds a 60% working interest.  
