

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月9日新加坡报道,韩国能源部日前表示,为了努力减少对煤炭和核能发电的依赖,韩国日前上调了本国今后几年液化天然气(LNG)需求的预测。 韩国贸易、工业和能源部在其长期LNG供应计划中说,韩国LNG需求现在预计到2031年将增加到4049万吨,比今年估计的3646万吨提高了11.1%。 韩国用于发电的LNG需求预计到2031年将每年增加0.26%至年均1709万吨,比今年估计的1652万吨增加了57万吨。 长期LNG供应计划说,预计到2031年,家庭和企业对零售天然气的需求预计将年增1.24%至2340万吨,高与2018年预计的1994万吨。 这个预测意味着韩国今后13年里总LNG消费量每年将增长0.81%,远远高于过去13年的年平均5.1%的增长率。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: S. Korea revises up LNG demand forecasts on plan to reduce coal, nuclear South Korea has revised up its LNG demand projections for the next several years on the back of its efforts to reduce reliance on coal and nuclear for power generation, the energy ministry said recently. LNG demand is now forecast to grow to 40.49 million mt in 2031, up 11.1% from this year?s estimated 36.46 million mt, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said in its Long-term LNG Supply Plan. LNG demand for power generation is projected to increase 0.26% each year on average to 17.09 million mt in 2031, up from 16.52 million mt estimated for 2018. Demand for retail gas for households and businesses is forecast to rise 1.24% annually to 23.4 million mt in 2031, up from 19.94 million mt estimated for 2018, it said. The forecast puts total LNG consumption growth at 0.81% annually over the next 13 years, well below an annual average rate of 5.1% the past 13 years.
