

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界油气新闻》4月8日伦敦报道,根据全球领先数据分析公司GlobalData,伊朗原油生产的分析结果显示,伊朗的石油项目在2018年和2021年之间的4年内将花费大约210亿美元的资本支出。 GlobalData说,伊朗在2021年前将有66个油气田生产液态烃。其中包括38个常规油田、9个重油油田以及19个生产凝析油的气田。 伊朗的常规石油项目在今后4年里预计将花费131亿美元的资本支出,重油项目预计将花费79亿美元,而石油项目资本支出高峰在2019年,为57亿美元。伊朗石油项目的平均每桶油当量的全周期资本支出为3.6美元,其中陆上石油项目的平均每桶油当量全周期资本支出为3美元,而浅水项目为5.3美元。 GlobalData说,伊朗未来4年石油项目的平均开发保本价格为每桶大约27.6美元,而浅水项目为每桶36.4美元以及陆上项目为每桶25.5美元。 李峻 编译自 世界油气新闻 原文如下: Over $21 billion of capex to be spent on Iran’s oil projects by 2021, says GlobalData Analysis of crude oil production in Iran shows that approximately $21 billion in capital expenditure (capex) will be spent by Iran on oil projects between 2018 and 2021, to ensure that production grows to around 4.9 MMbpd in 2021, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. The region will have 66 fields producing liquid hydrocarbons by 2021, of which 38 are conventional and nine are heavy oil fields, while 19 are gas fields producing condensate. Iran is expected to spend $13.1 billion as capex on conventional oil and $7.9 billion on heavy oil projects during 2018 to 2021, with spending peaking in 2019 at $5.7 billion. Average full-cycle capex per barrel of oil equivalent for Iran’s oil projects is $3.6. Onshore projects have an average full-cycle capex of $3.0/boe, while shallow-water projects have an average of $5.3/boe in full-cycle capex. The average development break-even price for oil projects in Iran is about $27.6/bbl. Shallow water projects require an oil price of $35.4/bbl to break even, while the onshore projects have a development break-even oil price of $25.5/bbl.
