

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源咨询网休斯敦4月5日消息,受供应过剩的影响,周四美国乙烯现货价格创下15美分-15.25美分/磅(FD美国墨西哥湾)的历史新低。 这个价格创下自标准普尔全球普氏能源咨询公司2004年7月开始评价美国墨西哥湾乙烯现货市场以来的最低价格。 前一个最低价格是在2008年12月4日创下的,当时的价格为15.375美分/磅。 受北美页岩气繁荣的刺激,2019年前美国乙烯产能将增加逾35%。 在过去的一年中,美国新增了逾350万吨/年的乙烯产能,包括西方化学公司和墨西哥化学公司的合资公司Ingleside、陶氏杜邦公司和雪佛龙菲利浦斯化学公司开启了位于得克萨斯州的新建裂解装置。 另外今年美国将有400万吨/年的新建乙烯产能计划投产,而且2019年及以后将有更多的新增乙烯产能投产。 据标准普尔全球普氏分析公司的估计,未来十年北美乙烯产量预计将从2017年时的大约3370万吨增加至2026年时的近4865万吨。 唐绍红 摘译自 PLATTS 原文如下: US spot ethylene at record low of 15-15.25 cents/lb on glut US spot ethylene hit a record low Thursday, assessed at 15-15.25 cents/lb FD USG, amid a glut in supply. The assessment is the lowest since S&P Global Platts began assessing spot ethylene markets in the US Gulf Coast in July 2004. The previous all-time low assessment was 15.375 cents/lb on December 4, 2008. Fueled by the shale gas boom in North America, the US ethylene market stands to see a more than 35% increase in production capacity by 2019. More than 3.5 million mt/year of new capacity has been added in the last 12 months, with players including Ingleside — a joint venture between Occidental Chemicals and Mexichem — DowDupont, and Chevron Phillips Chemical starting new crackers in Texas. Another 4 million mt/year of new ethylene capacity is slated to come online this year, with more expansions slated for 2019 and beyond. North America’s ethylene production during the next decade is expected to climb from approximately 33.7 million mt in 2017 to nearly 48.65 million mt in 2026, according to estimates from S&P Global Platts Analytics.
