

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》4月1日华盛顿报道,美国化学协会(ACC)收集和制表的统计数据显示,2月份全球化工产量增长继续呈现疲软。 ACC的全球化工产量区域指数(Global CPRI)显示,在去年12月份增加0.3%以及今年1月份调整后下跌0.7%以后,2月份全球化工产量下降了0.8%。 在2月份,北美洲、欧洲、非洲和中东地区的化工产量有所增长,而拉丁美洲和亚太地区的化工产量增长依然疲软。2月份全球CPRI在3MMA基础上同比增长了2%并站在其2012年平均水平的114.3%。 在2月份,全球化工工业的产能利用率下降了0.8个百分点至84.5%,这个比例低于去年2月份的85.1%以及低于从1987年到2017年的长期平均数86.5%。 ACC的全球化工产量区域指数共测量了32个关键国家、次区域和地区的化工工业的化工产量。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Global chemicals production continues on soft note Data collected and tabulated by the American Chemistry Council show that growth in global chemical production continued on a soft note in February. The American Chemistry Council’s Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI) indicates that global chemicals production fell 0.8 percent in February, following a revised 0.7 percent drop in January and a 0.3 percent gain in December. During February, production gains were in North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East with weakness in Latin America and Asia-Pacific. The Global CPRI was up 2.0 percent year-over-year (Y/Y) on a 3MMA basis and stood at 114.3 percent of its average 2012 levels in February. During February, capacity utilization in the global chemical industry eased 0.8 percentage points to 84.5 percent. This is down from 85.1 percent last February but is below the long-term (1987-2017) average of 86.5 percent. ACC’s Global CPRI measures the production volume of the chemical industry for 32 key nations, sub-regions, and regions.
