

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》4月5日巴格达报道,伊拉克石油部周三在巴格达宣布,伊拉克已开始扩建其靠近南部城市巴士拉的舒艾巴炼油厂的工作。伊拉克将通过日增7万桶来扩大这个炼油厂的原油加工能力。 伊拉克石油部在一份声明中,作为这项扩建计划的一部分,舒艾巴炼油厂的原油日加工能力在今年年底前应增加到28万桶。 由于伊拉克原油加工能力受到位于巴格达以北本国最大炼油厂拜伊吉炼油厂被伊斯兰国武装分子损毁的限制,欧佩克第二大产油国伊拉克希望建造新炼油厂来增加原油加工能力。 伊拉克军队在2015年重新夺回了拜伊吉炼油厂,这个炼油厂在今年应该部分恢复生产,伊拉克目前依赖位于巴格达的多拉炼油厂以及本国南部舒艾巴炼油厂。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Iraq starts work on 70 Mbpd expansion of southern oil refinery Iraq has started work on expanding its oil refinery near the southern city of Basra by adding 70,000 barrels per day to processing capacity, the oil ministry said. The Shuaiba refinery’s capacity should increase to 280 Mbpd by the end of the year, as a result of the expansion, the statement said. Iraq, OPEC’s second-largest oil producer, wants to build new refineries as its oil processing capacity was severely curtailed by damage to its largest plant in Baiji, north of Baghdad, when it was captured by Islamic State militants in 2014. Baiji was retaken by Iraqi forces in 2015 and it should be brought back on line partially this year. Iraq now relies on the Doura refinery, in Baghdad, and Shuaiba.  
