油田开发运营商Premier Oil公司表示:在启动电潜泵的情况下,两口生产井中的一口已按照设定速度生产。
Diamond Offshore Ocean Valiant号半潜式钻井平台正在钻第二口生产井,该井钻遇了1500英尺厚的侏罗纪砂岩层。油井水平段长度为5,000-6,000英尺,此外还需要采用绕丝筛管进行防砂。
来自/OGJ 4月13日消息 编译/赵宁
Solan oil field in the West of Shetland area offshore Scotland has started production.
Premier Oil PLC, the operator during development, said the first of two production wells is flowing naturally at restricted rates before start-up of an electric submersible pump.
Output will be suspended for commissioning of a water-injection plant, tie-in of a second water-injection well, and preparation for tie-in of a second production well.
The Diamond Offshore Ocean Valiant semisubmersible rig is drilling the second production well, which has cut 1,500 ft of what Premier describes as high-quality sands in the Jurassic Solan formation. The wells have 5,000-6,000-ft horizontal sections and need wire-wrap screens for sand control.
- 赵宁
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