中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯3月27日新德里报道,由于有吸引力的巴士拉原油价格以及利雅得对欧佩克的减产协议的坚定承诺为巴格达增加其在东南亚的市场份额铺平了道路,伊拉克在3月31日结束的本财政年度内可能超过沙特阿拉伯成为印度最大的原油供应国。 来自印度石油部的临时统计数据显示,世界第3大原油进口国印度在2017-2018财年的前10个月里从伊拉克购买了3890万吨原油。 印度石油部的统计数据显示,沙特阿拉伯是印度第二大原油供应国,在2017年4月至2018年1月期间,沙特阿拉伯向印度供应了3090万吨原油。 在上一个财政年度内,沙特阿拉伯是印度最大的原油供应国,沙特阿拉伯在此期间向印度供应了3950万吨原油,位居第二和第三的国家是伊拉克(3750万吨)和伊朗(2720万吨)。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iraq could overtake Saudi Arabia as top crude supplier to India Iraq could overtake Saudi Arabia as the biggest crude oil supplier to India in the current fiscal year ending March 31 as an attractive Basrah crude price and Riyadh’s strong commitment to the OPEC production cut agreement pave the way for Baghdad to boost its market share in South Asia.
India, the world’s third-largest crude importer, bought 38.9 million mt from Iraq during the first 10 months of fiscal 2017-2018, provisional data from the oil ministry showed.
Saudi Arabia was the second-biggest crude supplier with 30.9 million mt over the April 2017-January 2018 period, the oil ministry data showed.
In the previous fiscal year, Saudi Arabia was the top crude supplier with 39.5 million mt, followed by Iraq with 37.5 million mt and Iran with 27.2 million mt.