

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月22日伦敦报道,希腊唯一油气生产公司Energean宣布,在伦敦证券交易所筹集到大约4.6亿美元数天以后,该公司将向其位于以色列海上的两大气田卡里什气田和塔宁气田投资16亿美元。 卡里什气田和塔宁气田拥有2.4万亿立方英尺天然气和3280万桶轻质原油和凝析油的潜在储量。 Energean预计卡里宁(希伯来语鲨鱼)气田将在2021年开始天然气生产以及塔宁(希伯来语鳄鱼)气田将在卡里宁气田投产以后被开发。 希腊Energean日前在以色列签署了年供大约42亿立方米天然气的协议。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Greece’s Energean To Invest $1.6B In Israeli Offshore Fields Greek oil and gas company Energean will invest $1.6 billion in its Karish and Tanin gas fields off the coast of Israel, is said on Thursday, days after raising about $460 million on the London stock exchange. Karish and Tanin have potential reserves of 2.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 32.8 million barrels of light oil and condensate. Energean expects first gas from Karish, which means shark in Hebrew, in 2021. Tanin, means crocodile in Hebrew, will be developed after Karish. The company has signed gas supply agreements in Israel for about 4.2 billion cubic metres of gas a year.
