HOUSTON消息 — 二月底,Weatherford公司在俄罗斯Sakhalin岛附近完成了一项钻井和扩孔作业,该作业共节约52小时的钻井时间。
Weatherford采用一个双铰刀的井底钻具组合,包括一个Rip Tide钻井铰刀和一个Rip Tide井底小直径井眼钻井铰刀。 RFID可以使这两个铰刀在运行过程中分别实现远程开关控制。这种方式可以使作业者钻进、扩孔深度达到14,629英尺(4,459米),单趟作业就可避免井底小直径井眼,并能保证井眼的清洁。
Weatherford副总裁兼全球客户经理Nicole Carpenter先生表示:“这项工作完美地诠释了团队工作如何在极短的时间内取得较好的成果,我们希望未来能在该区域的作业中应用这些工具。”
来自/worldoil 4月13日消息 编译/赵宁
HOUSTON — In late February, Weatherford completed a drilling and reaming project near Sakhalin Island, Russia, that resulted in a total of 52 hours in rig time saved.
The operator contracted Weatherford to enlarge a 3,641-ft (1,110-m) hole section from 8-1/2 in. to 9-1/2 in. on an offshore development well.
Weatherford deployed a dual-reamer bottomhole assembly including a RipTide drilling reamer and a RipTide Rathole Killer drilling reamer. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags enabled both reamers to be opened and closed remotely and selectively throughout the run. This method allowed the crew to drill and ream the hole section to a total depth of 14,629 ft (4,459 m), eliminate the rathole and clean the wellbore in a single trip.
By removing the need for a dedicated cleanout trip, which takes an average of 52 hours in this field, the RFID tools produced significant value in terms of time, cost and operational efficiency.
“This job was a perfect illustration of how team effort can produce results within an incredibly short timeframe,” said Nicole Carpenter, V.P. and global account manager at Weatherford. “We look forward to applying these tools to future operations in this field.”
- 赵宁
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