

中国石化新闻网讯 据ZAWYA网站3月22日迪拜报道,阿拉伯石油投资公司(Apicorp)表示,预计未来5年中东能源市场的项目投资支出将达到9190亿美元。 它表示,已经约有3450亿美元投入到目前正在实施的项目当中,与此同时,计划增加价值5740亿美元的新项目。 在周三发布的一份特别报告中,Apicorp表示,该地区的整体经济前景看起来与去年相似,预计今明两年都会有3.2%的增长。
然而,全球对石油和天然气市场的投资预计会慢慢回升并且中东和北非地区可能从中受益。 在新的投资方面,预计沙特阿拉伯将领先,在未来5年内预计支出达到1490亿美元,其次是阿拉伯联合酋长国和埃及(都分别为720亿美元)、科威特(590亿美元)、阿尔及利亚(580亿美元)、伊朗(570亿美元)和伊拉克(370亿美元)。 该研究报告称,其余的三个海湾合作委员会成员国(阿曼、卡塔尔和巴林)的项目投资总额达570亿美元,而在摩洛哥和约旦的全部计划项目总额达190亿美元 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Apicorp expects $919bln of MENA energy projects in five years The Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (Apicorp) has said that it expects project spending in the Middle East’s energy market over the next five years to hit $919 billion. It said that about $345 billion has already been committed to projects that are currently under execution, while a further $574 billion worth of new projects are planned. In a special report published on Wednesday, Apicorp said that the overall economic outlook for the region looks similar to last year, with growth of 3.2 percent expected both this year and next. However, that global investment on the oil and gas market is expected to pick up and the MENA region is likely to benefit from this. In terms of new investment, Saudi Arabia is expected to lead the way with an expected spend of $149 billion over the five-year period, followed by the United Arab Emirates and Egypt ($72bn each), Kuwait ($59bn), Algeria ($58bn), Iran ($57bn) and Iraq ($37bn). Projects in the three remaining GCC states (Oman, Qatar and Bahrain) amount to $57bn of investment, whereas the total planned projects in Morocco and Jordan amount to $19bn, the study said.
