中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月21日吉隆坡报道,泰国国家石油公司(PTT)麾下的勘探和生产公司(PTTEP)的一名公司高管周三(21日)在吉隆坡表示,由于油价恢复,该公司时下正在东南亚地区寻找上游油气资产来推动增加其储量和产量。 尽管许多生产商对不断增加的美国石油产量可能拖累原油价格保持警惕,然而,已维持在每桶60美元以上的全球石油期货以及上游领域大幅削减成本正在鼓励国家石油公司和国际石油巨头把资金投入到勘探和生产中。 自从2014年开始的石油危机和油价在2016年初暴跌至每桶不到30美元以来,PTTEP削减了成本和提高了效率,使得其油气产量的平均成本从每桶43美元下降到了每桶29美元。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Thailand’s PTTEP Seeks To Boost Reserves, Output In SE Asia Thailand’s PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) is looking for upstream oil and gas assets in SE Asia in a drive to boost its reserves and production as oil prices have recovered, a senior company executive said on Wednesday. Global oil futures that have held above $60 a barrel and sharp cost-cutting in the upstream sector are encouraging national oil companies and international majors to pump money into exploration and production, although many producers remain wary that surging U.S. oil output could hold crude prices back. Since the oil crisis that began in 2014 and saw prices slump to less then $30 a barrel in early 2016, PTTEP has cut costs and increased efficiency, bringing its average cost of oil and gas output to $29 per barrel last year, down from $43 per barrel.