

中国石化新闻网讯 据LNG WORLD NEWS网站3月19日报道,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)首席执行官阿列克谢-米勒(Alexey Miller)周五在圣彼得堡会见了壳牌综合天然气和新能源业务主管Maarten Wetselaar,并就两家公司在液化天然气领域的合作进行了磋商。 根据俄气的声明,双方将致力于在液化天然气领域展开合作,尤其是合建萨哈林II液化天然气工厂的第三条生产线。 萨哈林液化天然气工厂由俄气和最大股东的壳牌共同运营,目前拥有两条液化天然气生产线,年产能约为1000万吨。 该声明还称,两家企业高管审查了波罗的海液化天然气项目的现状,并就进一步签署合资协议交换意见。 章盈盈 编译自 LNG WORLD NEWS网站 原文如下: Gazprom, Shell talk joint LNG projects Gazprom’s head Alexey Miller on Friday met with Shell’s boss for integrated gas Maarten Wetselaar in St. Petersburg to discuss collaboration between the two companies in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector. According to a Gazprom statement, the duo discussed joint efforts in the liquefied natural gas segment, especially the construction of the third train of the LNG plant within the Sakhalin II project. The Sakhalin LNG facility has currently two liquefaction trains with a capacity of about 10 million tons per annum. The LNG plant is operated by Gazprom with major shareholder Shell. The statement also said that the two executives reviewed the status of the Baltic LNG project and further steps in the development of the joint venture agreement.
