

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGN3月15日奥斯陆报道,挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)周四表示,公司将更改其名称为“equinor”,以反映其致力于成为一家大型能源公司的承诺,而不只是一家专注于石油的公司。 该公司表示,“equinor”是一个由 “equi”,例如equal(平等)和equilibrium(均势)代表的单词开头部分,与”nor”代表的 Norway(挪威)的联合体。 挪威国家石油公司表示,该提案将于5月15日提交公司年度股东大会,并已收到其主要股东的支持,挪威政府持有该公司67%的股权。 挪威国家石油公司表示,预计到2030年,其总资本支出的15%至20%将投资于所谓的新能源解决方案。 蔡小全 编译自 OGN 原文如下: Statoil changes name to Equinor to reflect broad energy push Norwegian firm Statoil said on Thursday it will change its name to Equinor, to reflect its commitment to be a broad energy company, and not one just dedicated to oil. Equinor is a combination of “equi”, the starting point for words like equal, equality and equilibrium, and “nor” for Norway, the company said. The proposal, which will be put to the company’s annual general meeting on May 15, has already received the backing of its main owner, the Norwegian state, which has a 67 percent stake, Statoil said. Statoil said it expects to invest 15-20 percent of its total capital expenditure by 2030 in what it calls new energy solutions.
