中国石化新闻网讯据俄罗斯卫星新闻社3月13日华盛顿报道,美国能源外交副助理秘书Sandra Oudkirk在智库大西洋理事会的一个会后向卫星新闻社表示,美国正准备在欧洲液化天然气市场与俄罗斯展开竞争。 Oudkirk称,尽管当前美国拥有30个在运营的浮式存储和再气化装置(FSRU),但能供给给欧洲的天然气量仍远低于俄罗斯用管道的出口量。同时,其补充表示,价格是主要制约因素。如果具备有竞争力的价格,美国愿意向全球任何地方出口天然气。美国需要在再气化、液化、转输及存储上消耗更多的成本。 据悉,美国一直在增加对欧盟各国的液化天然气出口,并已在2017年第一季度成为六大主要供应商之一。国际能源署预测,美国将在5年内成为全球领先的液化天然气出口国之一。 章盈盈 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: US Ready to Compete With Russia in Europe’s LNG Market The United States is ready to compete with Russia in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market in Europe, US Assistant Secretary of State Sandra Oudkirk told Sputnik after a conference at the Atlantic Council think tank. The United States has 30 operational Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRU), Oudkirk said, but the volume US companies can sell to the EU “is much less than the volume that Russia can sell through its pipelines.” The Assistant Secretary of State said the price is the main issue. She said the United States is eager to sell gas all over the world wherever the price is competitive. Washington needs to work on regasification, liquefaction, transport and storage costs, Oudrick said. The United States has been increasing its LNG deliveries to European Union countries and has become the six largest LNG supplier of the 28-nation bloc in the first quarter of 2017. According to the International Energy Agency, the United States will become one of the leading LNG exporters in five years.