

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社巴格达3月14日消息,伊拉克官员周三表示,伊拉克国有北方石油公司(NOC)位于基尔库克的Avana和Bai Hassan油田已经开始测试运营,以增加国内炼油厂的原油供应。 NOC的一位官员表示:“我们已经开始在这两个油田进行测试运营,最初将生产逾5万桶/天的原油。” Avana和Bai Hassan油田自去年10月份以来一直处于关停状态,当时伊拉克军队将这两个自2014年起一直在库尔德地区政府控制下的油田收归伊拉克中央政府所有。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq to increase Kirkuk oilfields output to supply refineries Iraq’s state-run North Oil Company (NOC) has begun testing operations at its Avana and Bai Hassan oilfields in Kirkuk to increase crude supply for domestic refineries, Iraqi officials said on Wednesday. “We have started testing operations at Avana and Bai Hassan oilfields to prepare initial pumping of more than 50 Mbpd,” one NOC official said. Operations at the Avana and Bai Hassan fields have been halted since October when Iraqi forces took them back after they had been under Kurdish control since 2014.
