

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站3月11日休斯敦报道,根据美国劳工统计局3月9日公布的统计数据,美国石油和天然气工业在2月份增加了数千个工作岗位。 统计数据显示,美国2月份采矿业增加了9000个工作岗位,其中油气开采行业增加了1100个工作岗位。美国2月份采矿业增加的大部分工作岗位来自支持活动。 自2016年10月达到最近的低点以来,美国采矿业迄今增加了6.9万个工作岗位。 在过去一年半里,美国大部分行业就业出现了稳步增加,这在很大程度上应归功于页岩热远景区(例如二叠纪)的钻井活动增加。3月2日,美国在用钻机数在过去近3年里首次增加到了800部。 尽管显著减少,然而减员的声明仍然存在。作为公司最近宣布的削减成本战略的一部分,SandRidge能源公司日前把其位于俄克拉荷马城总部的雇员削减了80个。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com 原文如下: US Jobs Report: Oil, Gas Jobs Added in February| The oil and gas industry in the United States added thousands of jobs in February, according to data released March 9 from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment in mining increased by 9,000. More specifically, jobs in oil and gas extraction (which fall under the mining categorization) increased by 1,100. The bulk of the mining employment came from support activities. Since reaching a recent low in October 2016, mining has added 69,000 jobs. Industry employment for the most part has increased steadily the last year-and-a-half, thanks in large part to the uptick in drilling activity in hot shale plays like the Permian. And on March 2, the rig count rose to 800 for the first time in almost three years. Though significantly fewer, layoff announcements are still present. SandRidge Energy Inc. laid off 80 employees at its Oklahoma City headquarters as part of the company’s recently announced strategy to cut costs.
