Woodside与Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)集团签订合作谅解备忘录,延长双方的合作关系。
Woodside的CEO Peter Coleman与KOGAS集团的总裁兼 CEO Lee Seung-Hoon 在 Perth 签订了该谅解备忘录。石油圈原创
该协议延续了双方自2011年建立的合作关系,并深化了在未来业务安排、知识共享、员工借调、联合技术学习研讨等众多领域Woodside 和KOGAS的合作关系。
Woodside的CEO Peter Coleman说:“签订协议后,两家公司的合作可带来新的商业契机,从而使双方获利,我们与KOGAS会继续保持合作关系。KOGAS公司拥有世界一流的液化天然气技术及创新能力,这对我们的业务是很好的补充。”
KOGAS的CEO Lee, Seung-Hoon 说:“此次协议的签订具有里程碑意义,为双方提供了继续发展的动力。Woodside的公开系统已经给了我们新的商机,作为澳大利亚最有经验、最有竞争力的油气公司,可以帮助我们更上一层楼。”
来自/worldoil 4月12日消息 编译/张弘引
PERTH, Australia — Woodside and Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation, extending the existing partnership between the companies.
The MoU was signed in Perth by Woodside CEO Peter Coleman and KOGAS President and CEO Lee Seung-Hoon.
The agreement, which renews a partnership in place since 2011, furthers cooperation between Woodside and KOGAS in a number of areas. These include developing future business arrangements, knowledge sharing, staff secondments, joint teconology studies and workshops.
Woodside CEO Peter Coleman said the signing gives both companies scope to create material benefits by working together to realize new project opportunities. “The business case for continuing our cooperation with KOGAS is clear. Their capabilities and technological innovations in LNG are world class and complement Woodside’s business,” he said.
KOGAS CEO Lee, Seung-Hoon said the event marked a new milestone for both companies to boost the growth engine for KOGAS and Woodside. “Woodside’s open-door system already gives us new business opportunities. Their outstanding capabilities as Australia’s most experienced and competitive oil and gas company will promote us to the next level,” he said.
- 张弘引
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