

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月8日消息,周三油价下跌,因为政府数据显示上周美国原油库存上升,而且美国石油产量创新高。 纽约商业交易所四月交割的轻质低硫原油期货下跌1.45美元,至每桶61.15美元,跌幅2.3%。布伦特原油期货下跌1.45美元,至每桶64.34美元,跌幅2.2%。 美国能源情报署周三公布,截至3月2日一周,美国原油库存增加240万桶,分析师平均预期增加230万桶。 上周美国原油产量升至历史最高水平,达到1036.9万桶/天。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Prices Fall as U.S. Production Climbs Oil prices declined on Wednesday as government data showed that crude stockpiles increased and U.S. production reached new heights last week. Light, sweet crude for April delivery fell $1.45, or 2.3%, to $61.15 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent, the global benchmark, lost $1.45, or 2.2%, to $64.34 a barrel. On Wednesday, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that the amount of crude in storage rose by 2.4 million barrels in the week ended March 2, compared with average analyst forecasts for a 2.3 million barrel build. Weekly U.S. production climbed to a record high last week to 10.369 million barrels a day.
