

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站3月8日休斯敦报道,美国能源部周四宣布,依据2015年制定的一项旨在为联邦政府筹集资金的法律,美国将从本国战略石油储备中出售700万桶低硫原油。 美国能源部说,该部将在3月21日前接受对这批原油的报价。这700万桶低硫原油将分两批交付,第一批交付是在5月1日至5月14日,交付地点是在战略石油储备的West Hackberry基地。第二批交付是在5月1日至31日,交付地点是Bryan Mount基地。 美国战略石油储备目前拥有6.665亿桶原油,足以满足与国际能源署达成的备用供应协议。由于水力压裂技术革命导致美国国内石油产量增加,美国的立法者们越来越认为出售战略石油储备原油是一种帮助联邦政府筹集资金的方法。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: U.S. to Sell 7 mln barrels of Crude From SPR The U.S. Department of Energy said on Thursday it will sell 7 million barrels of sweet crude oil from the country’s petroleum reserve as it complies with a 2015 law to help fund the federal government.
The DOE will accept offers on the oil until March 21. Delivery of the crude will be from May 1 to May 14, from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve’s (SPR) West Hackberry site, and from May 1 to May 31 from its Bryan Mound site, the DOE said.
The SPR currently holds 666.5 million barrels of oil, more than enough to meet a spare supply agreement with the International Energy Agency. As domestic oil output has grown with the fracking revolution, lawmakers have increasingly seen sales from the reserve as a way to help fund the government.
