

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站3月3日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥将在今年9月份拍卖页岩区块的开发权,这将是墨西哥有史以来首次向私营石油公司提供开发这种在美国已经蓬勃发展多年的资源的机会。 墨西哥石油监管机构墨西哥国家油气委员会(CNH)周四发起了对其首个页岩招标投标的呼吁。首个页岩招标包括9个将在9月5日颁发的合同区域。 这些区块位于墨西哥的布尔戈斯盆地,位于墨西哥塔毛利帕斯州西北部边境地区,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)在过去在这个州内已钻取了大约20口勘探井。 CNH总裁胡安·卡洛斯·塞佩达说,赢得开发权的公司将能开发常规油气储量以及位于常规油气储量上面或下面的页岩地层。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Mexico To Offer First-Ever Shale Blocks In September Auction Mexico will auction development rights to shale blocks in September, marking the first time the country has offered private oil companies the chance to develop the resource, which has been booming in the United States for years. The National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), Mexico’s oil regulator, on Thursday launched a call for bids for its first shale tender including nine contractual areas that will be awarded on Sept. 5. The blocks are in Mexico’s Burgos Basin, in the northwestern border state of Tamaulipas, where state-owned oil company Pemex has drilled some 20 exploratory wells in the past. CNH President Juan Carlos Zepeda said companies that win development rights will be able to tap conventional oil and gas deposits as well as shale formations that may lie above or below.
