

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月4日安曼报道,约旦一名官员周六表示,约旦已开始关注企业在境内分销石油衍生品的请求。 能源和矿物资源部部长萨利赫(Saleh Kharabsheh)周六对《约旦时报》表示,能源和矿产资源部已开始审查申请发放燃料衍生品许可证的请求,此前该部门在2月28日提出了一份文件,要求有意向的公司提出请求。 Kharabsheh表示:“这是政府计划重组石油分销行业并增加该领域竞争的一部分。” 2016年,政府与法国石油公司道达尔、约旦Manaseer石油天然气公司和约旦石油炼油公司(JPRC)签署了交易协议,以平等分配这三家公司之间石油衍生品的分销。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Jordan looking into fuel distribution Jordan has started looking into companies’ requests to distribute oil derivatives in the Kingdom, an official said on Saturday. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has begun examining requests submitted to get licences to distribute fuel derivatives after the ministry floated a tender that ended by February 28th, seeking requests from interested companies, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Saleh Kharabsheh told The Jordan Times on Saturday. “This is part of the government’s plan to restructure the oil distribution sector and increase competition in the field,” Kharabsheh said. In 2016, the government signed deals with the French oil company Total, Jordan’s Manaseer Oil & Gas and the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC) to equally divide the distribution of oil derivatives between the three companies.
