

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月2日消息,埃克森美孚正在结束与俄罗斯国有能源巨头PAO Rosneft的合作项目,因针对俄罗斯的国际制裁,从而令该公司前首席执行长(CEO)、美国国务卿蒂勒森的标志性成就化为乌有。 埃克森美孚表示,在美国政府因俄罗斯被指控干预美国2016年总统选举而对俄罗斯实施新的制裁后,该公司去年决定退出俄罗斯项目。在此之前,俄罗斯已经因其在乌克兰的行动而受到美国和欧洲的制裁。 本次退出标志着埃克森美孚在俄罗斯北冰洋油田进行钻探的希望破灭,俄罗斯的北冰洋油田被认为是全世界最大的未开采油气盆地之一。埃克森美孚已经在北冰洋钻了一口探井,称取得了令人满意的效果,但因制裁而不得不停工。埃克森美孚此前曾希望未来可能重新启动钻探,或者是由于获得特朗普政府的豁免,或者是由于最终制裁得以取消。 蒂勒森在2011年和2012年达成上述交易,其中的安排由俄罗斯总统普京亲自监督。蒂勒森后来获得了俄罗斯的友谊勋章,该勋章是俄罗斯授予外国人的最高荣誉。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Exxon Abandons Russian Projects Brokered by Tillerson Exxon Mobil Corp. is ending projects with Russia’s state-controlled energy giant, PAO Rosneft, because of international sanctions on Moscow, abandoning signature achievements of former chief executive, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Exxon said it decided last year to withdraw after the U.S. government imposed new sanctions on Moscow for its alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election. Those penalties came on top of U.S. and European sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The withdrawal for now marks the end of Exxon’s hopes of drilling in Russia’s Arctic ocean oil fields, considered one of the world’s great unexplored oil and gas basins. Exxon drilled one exploration well that it said produced promising results, but had to halt work because of sanctions. Exxon had hoped drilling could restart in the future, either with the blessing of the Trump administration or the eventual lifting of sanctions. Mr. Tillerson had clinched those deals in 2011 and 2012, arrangements that were overseen personally by President Vladimir Putin. Mr. Tillerson later received the Order of Friendship, the highest honor Russia can bestow on a foreigner.
