

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社3月2日伦敦/科威特城报道,主要由于科威特油田维修以及委内瑞拉产量持续下降,2月份来自欧佩克成员国的原油产量跌到了10个月来的低点。 根据彭博新闻社对分析人士、石油公司和船只跟踪数据的调查,欧佩克14个成员国2月份原油日产量环比减少了8万桶,减少到了3228万桶。这是去年4月份平均日产3189万桶原油以来的最低水平。 委内瑞拉2月份原油日产量环比减少了3万桶,日产量减少到了168万桶。委内瑞拉2月份原油产量下降的很大一部分原因是该国实施欧佩克的削减产量协议。 根据知情人士披露,由于生产达斯混合原油的油田停产维修,阿联酋2月份的原油产量出现了较大幅度下跌。调查发现这个波斯湾国家2月份平均日产280万桶原油,比1月份日减5万桶。 调查发现,欧佩克最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯2月份原油产量日减8万桶,日产量下降到了988万桶。利比亚2月份原油产量日增7万桶,这是利比亚2013年以来的最高原油日产量。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: OPEC oil production drops to 10-month low on UAE, Venezuela Crude production from OPEC countries fell to a 10-month low in February, mainly due to maintenance at a field in the United Arab Emirates and continued output declines in Venezuela. Output from the 14 members of OPEC fell 80,000 bpd to 32.28 MMbpd in February, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts, oil companies and ship-tracking data. That’s the lowest since 31.89 million in April. Venezuela’s output dropped by 30,000 bpd to 1.68 MMbbl. The Latin American nation is a big part of the reason for OPEC’s stellar implementation of promises to curb production. Its industry is suffering from a lack of investment and looming U.S. sanctions, sending output last year to the lowest since the 1980s. Oil production in the UAE fell last month due to maintenance at fields that produce the Das Blend, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. The survey found the Persian Gulf country pumped 2.8 MMbpd, a drop of 50,000 a day from January. Production in Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s largest producer, fell 80,000 bpd to 9.88 MMbbl, the survey found. Libya’s output rose 70,000 barrels a day to 1.05 million, the highest since 2013.
