中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社华沙2月27日消息,波兰炼油商PKN Orlen表示,波兰政府计划合并该国两大炼油商PKN Orlen和Grupa Lotos,旨在创建更大的炼油商,增强在国际市场的竞争力。 DM BOS分析师Lukasz Prokopiuk表示:“该合并在商业上是可行的,我们认为合并后实体的息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)将得到改善。”他估计PKN和Lotos合并后的EBITDA将比当前增加10亿兹罗提。 2017年PKN的EBITDA达到112亿兹罗提。Lotos公司的2017年业绩将在今年3月公布,但分析师们预计该公司2017年的EBITDA约为30亿兹罗提。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Poland to merge its two major refiners, PKN and Lotos Poland’s government plans to merge the country’s two biggest refiners, PKN Orlen and Grupa Lotos, in a bid to create a bigger player capable of competing on international markets, PKN said. “The merger has a business sense. We believe in an improvement in EBITDA of the merged entity,” said Lukasz Prokopiuk, a DM BOS analyst. He estimates the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation of a merged PKN and Lotos would be 1 billion zlotys higher than it is now. PKN’s EBITDA for 2017 stood at 11.2 billion zlotys. Analysts expect Lotos, which will publish 2017 results in March, to report EBITDA of around 3 billion zlotys for last year.