

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯网里约热内卢2月28日消息,巴西国家石油局(ANP)局长Decio Oddone周三表示,今年巴西将实施2-3个开发非常规油气的试点项目,以努力提高陆上油气产量和减小国内对于水力压裂等技术的阻力。 在里约热内卢召开的一次工业会议间隙,Oddone表示,巴西矿产和能源部正准备在Bahia州的Reconcavo盆地、Maranhao州的Parnaiba盆地以及Minas Gerais州的Sao Francisco盆地实施试点项目。这些研究将在该部的赞助下由私有公司实施。 Oddone表示:“我们将利用这些试点项目,从地质和操作的角度,以及从环境的角度,获得更多的知识,以便我们有能力正确地识别这一活动所涉及的风险。” 唐绍红 摘译自 普氏能源咨询网 原文如下: Brazil to test two-three unconventional oil, gas deposits in 2018: ANP Brazil will conduct two or three pilot projects that will tap unconventional oil and natural gas projects in 2018 in an effort to boost onshore production and soften local resistance to techniques such as hydraulic fracturing, the director general of the country’s National Petroleum Agency, or ANP, said Wednesday. Speaking on the sidelines of an industry event in Rio de Janeiro, ANP Director General Decio Oddone said the Mines and Energy Ministry was working to carry out the pilot projects in the Reconcavo Basin in Bahia state, the Parnaiba Basin in Maranhao state and the Sao Francisco Basin in Minas Gerais state. The studies would be conducted by private companies under the auspices of the ministry, Oddone said. “We’re going to use these pilot projects to obtain more knowledge from a geologic and operational viewpoint, as well as from an environmental point of view so that we have the capacity to properly identify the risks involved with this activity,” Oddone said.
