

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社2月26日报道,尽管一直在讨论英国的油田日益老化以及产量不断下降,然而,英国即将实现一个令人惊讶的壮举:这个国家正处于14年来首次成为一个原油净出口国的边缘。 把这一里程碑纳入考虑范围是加入石油输出国组织(欧佩克)的关键标准之一。 根据总部设在维也纳的全球知名能源咨询机构JBC能源公司的最新研究报告,今年在北海将投产的一些新的项目将把英国每天的原油日产量提高到100万桶以上。这家研究机构说,在净贸易基础上,这些新项目不久将允许英国的海外销售量超过进口量。但JBC能源公司没有详细说明超过多少或何时超过。 JBC能源公司在研究报告中说:“英国具有再次成为原油净出口国的明显潜力。” 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: UK set to become net crude oil exporter For all the talk of aging oil fields and shrinking production, the UK is about to achieve a surprising feat: it’s on the brink of becoming a net crude oil exporter for the first time in 14 years. To put the milestone into context, it’s one of the key criteria for joining OPEC. A handful of new projects in the North Sea that will come on stream this year will lift the nation’s crude output above 1 MMbpd, according to JBC Energy GmbH, a Vienna-based forecaster. On a net trade basis, that will soon allow overseas sales to overtake imports, the researcher said, without specifying by how much, or when. “There is clear potential for the UK to return to being a net exporter again,” JBC said in a research note.
