

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月26日河内报道,越南国家石油公司(PetroVietnam)26日在河内宣布,越南第二个炼油厂Nghi Son炼油和石化厂将准备在2月28日启动。 这个投资90亿美元的由科威特石油欧洲公司和日本出光兴产和三菱化学公司共同拥有的炼油厂将帮助越南应对精制石油产品的短缺。 越南第一个炼油厂Dung Quat炼油厂目前供应越南国内30%的燃料总需求量。具有日加工20万桶原油能力的Nghi Son炼油厂加上越南首个炼油厂将帮助越南满足国内80%的燃料需求。 越南第二个炼油厂将加工科威特原油来生产主要供国内市场需要的液化石油气、汽油、柴油、煤油和航空煤油。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Vietnam’s Nghi Son oil refinery ready for start-up on Feb. 28 Vietnam’s second oil refinery, Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical, will be ready for start-up on Feb. 28, its parent firm Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, or PetroVietnam said. The $9 billion plant, co-owned by Kuwait Petroleum Europe BV and Japanese firms Idemitsu Kosan and Mitsui Chemicals , is designed to help Vietnam cope with a shortage of refined oil products. Vietnam’s first refinery Dung Quat currently supplies 30 percent of the country’s total domestic fuel demand. The 200 Mbpd Nghi Son plant along with Dung Quat will help Vietnam meet 80 percent of its fuel demand. Nghi Son will process Kuwaiti crude oil to produce liquefied petroleum gas, ga soline, diesel, kerosene and jet fuel, mainly for the domestic market.
