

中国石化新闻网讯 据润滑油周报2018年2月22日消息,美国弗里多尼亚集团(Freedonia Group)的最新报告显示,2021年前英国车用润滑油需求预计将以复合年均0.2%的速度下降,到2021年英国车用润滑油需求将减少至28.6万吨。 尽管英国总体车用润滑油需求出现下降,但是弗里多尼亚集团预测2021年前英国车用合成润滑油需求将以年均2.2%的速度增长,到2021年英国车用合成润滑油需求将达到12.6万吨。 英国中型和重型车辆在需求中所占比例低于欧洲其他地区,因为作为一个岛国,英国不像欧洲大陆国家那样通过卡车出口货物。 合成润滑油价格的日益负担得起,严格的排放法规,以及原始设备制造商要求使用低粘度润滑油的建议,都在推动合成润滑油需求的增长。同时,高质量的合成润滑油配方和改进的发动机技术也导致润滑油使用周期的延长,导致需求量降低。 张春晓 摘译自 润滑油周报 原文如下: U.K. Lube Demand Slips Automotive lubricant demand in the United Kingdom is expected to dip at a compound annual rate of 0.2 percent through 2021 to 286,000 metric tons, claimed The Freedonia Group in a recent press release. Despite the decrease in overall demand, the Ohio-based research group anticipates synthetic automotive lubricant demand to grow 2.2 percent per year through 2021 to 126,000 metric tons. Medium and heavy duty vehicles account for a smaller portion of demand than the rest of Europe because, as an island nation, it does not export goods via truck like countries on the continent. Increasing availability of synthetic blends at more affordable prices, stringent emissions regulations and original equipment manufacturer recommendations calling for low-viscosity lubricants are fueling synthetic lubricant demand growth. At the same time, high-quality synthetic lubricant formulations and improving engine technologies are causing the average drain interval to lengthen, leading to lower demand volumes.
