

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2月23日伦敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司副总裁奥利维尔·拉扎尔日前在伦敦表示,哈萨克斯坦的巨型油田卡沙干大油田每个月都会达到新的产量高峰,这个油田的石油日产量日前突破了30万桶大关,但是目前阶段以后的开发很有可能是“可自由支配的递升”,而不是巨大的递升。 拉扎尔是在伦敦举行的IP周会议上发表上述讲话的。他拒绝详细说明卡沙干大油田目前的生产水平。他只是说,在投资500多亿美元以及多次延期以后在2016年开始生产的第一阶段仍然存在可靠性的问题。卡沙干大油田的目标是日产37万桶石油。 卡沙干大油田位于里海,目前由7家公司组成的一个国际财团开发的卡沙干大油田拥有100亿桶的石油储量,这个高压高温油田被视为一个行业里程碑。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Kashagan oil output crosses 300,000 b/d, but ‘giant’ increases unlikely Kazakhstan’s giant Kashagan oil field is achieving new production highs every month and has done better than 300,000 b/d, but development beyond the current phase is likely to be about “discretionary step-ups” rather than giant steps, Shell vice president Olivier Lazare said Thursday.
Speaking at the IP Week conference in London, Lazare declined to specify the current production level, saying there were still reliability issues with the first phase, which started producing in 2016 after more than $50 billion of investment and multiple delays, and has a target of 370,000 b/d.
Kashagan, a 10-billion-barrel, high-pressure, high-temperature field developed by a seven-company consortium in the Caspian Sea, is viewed as an industry landmark.
