

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社新奥尔良2月20日报道,路易斯安那海上油港有限责任公司(LOOP LLC)在其离岸水深18米的深水港口路易斯安那州弗尔雄港,已经成功地完成了第一艘超大型油轮(VLCC)原油装载作业。 路易斯安那海上油港是唯一一个能够完全装载超大型油轮的美国港口,它有助于优化美国的能源供应链,使入境船舶能够运送外国原油与美国原油一起离开,而不是空舱返回。 国内产量最近超过了日产1000万桶。 路易斯安那海上油港有限责任公司总裁汤姆•肖表示:“新的装配配置是通过对现有设施的微小修改完成的,并且可扩展以满足不断变化的行业需求。” 总部位于休斯敦的壳牌贸易公司(STUSCO)是这批具有历史意义的货物的托运方。 该公司自1981年开始运营以来已经成功地卸载了超过10200艘原油船,目前正在准备2018年的船期表。 蔡小全 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: LOOP completes first VLCC crude oil loading operation LOOP LLC has successfully completed the first very large crude carrier (VLCC) crude oil loading operation at its Deepwater Port, 18 mi offshore of Port Fourchon, La. LOOP is the only U.S. port capable of fully loading a VLCC, which helps optimize America’s energy supply chain by enabling inbound vessels delivering foreign crude oil to leave with U.S. crude oil, rather than returning empty. Domestic production recently surpassed 10 MMbopd. “The new onloading configuration was accomplished with only minor modifications to existing facilities and is scalable to meet the changing needs of the industry,” said Tom Shaw, LOOP president. Houston-based Shell Trading Company US (STUSCO) was the shipper of record for this historic cargo. LOOP, which has successfully offloaded more than 10,200 crude oil vessels since commencing operations in 1981, is currently preparing its 2018 shipping schedule.
