中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2月20日新加坡报道,项目运营商阿纳达科石油公司周二在一份声明中说,莫桑比克液化天然气公司(莫桑比克LNG)日前与法国电力公司(EDF)签署了一份液化天然气(LNG)长期销售和购买协议,根据协议,莫桑比克LNG在15年内每年将向EDF供应120万吨LNG。 莫桑比克LNG迄今已签署了每年共供应500多万吨LNG的供应合同,但这项合同是这家出口公司第一份具有约束力的合同。去年9月份,莫桑比克LNG与泰国国家石油公司(PTT)签署了第一份为期20年每年交付260万吨LNG的买卖协议,但这项协议迄今仍在等待泰国政府的批准。 阿纳达科石油公司负责国际深水作业和项目管理的执行副总裁米奇·英格拉姆说:“这项买卖协议能使我们灵活进入我们关键战略市场之一的欧洲。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Mozambique LNG signs first binding long-term contract with France’s EDF Mozambique LNG and France’s EDF have signed a long-term LNG sale and purchase agreement for the supply of 1.2 million mt/year of LNG over 15 years, project operator Anadarko Petroleum Corporation said in a statement Tuesday.
Mozambique LNG has signed supply agreements for a combined of more than 5 million mt/year, but this is the exporter’s first binding contract. A 20-year SPA — Mozambique LNG’s first — signed with Thailand’s state-owned PTT in September for the delivery of 2.6 million mt/year, is still pending approval by the government of Thailand.
“This SPA gives us flexible access to Europe, which is one of our key strategic markets,” said Mitch Ingram, Anadarko executive vice president, International and Deepwater Operations and Project Management.