

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯伦敦2月9日消息,随着石油市场的复苏,全球石油行业大比例分红派息和巨资回购股票的现象正在卷土重来。 法国石油巨头道达尔集团周四称,未来三年公司将把股息提高10%,并将回购不超过50亿美元的股票。这是全球石油行业信心增强的最新迹象。 雪佛龙公司、挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)、安纳达科石油公司以及康菲石油公司均已宣布今年将提高投资者回报率。去年10月份,英国石油公司(BP)宣布了一项新的股票回购计划。一般来说,企业回购现有股票后将令余下的股票变得更有价值。 在经历了长达三年的油价持续下跌后,去年三季度以来油价开始大幅反弹,石油行业重新恢复盈利,石油公司开始回报股东。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Big Oil Is Rewarding Investors Again Big dividends and share buybacks are making a comeback in the oil industry amid a fragile market recovery. French oil giant Total SA on Thursday said it would raise its dividend by 10% over the next three years and buy back up to $5 billion-worth of shares in the latest sign of growing confidence in the industry. Chevron Corp., Statoil ASA, Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and ConocoPhillips have all announced higher investor payouts this year. Those moves followed British oil giant BP PLC’s announcement of a new share-buyback program in October. Buying back existing stock generally makes the remaining shares more valuable. The companies are rewarding shareholders as profits return to the industry after a three-year slump in oil prices.
