

    中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站1月31日休斯敦报道,法国道达尔公司时下正在确认对其巴利摩发现(Ballymore discovery)所钻一口侧钻井的上涨潜力。完钻时总深度达到8898米的巴利摩井在一个高质量的侏罗纪诺夫利特储层内钻遇了205米厚的纯产油层。发现井位于水深2000米海域,距离位于墨西哥湾的路易斯安那州海岸大约120公里。     道达尔说,巴利摩远景构造包括诺夫利特远景区的4个区块,其中包括已经获得发现的密西西比峡谷第607号区块。作为去年9月份与雪佛龙公司达成的勘探协议的一部分,道达尔公司获得了巴利摩远景构造的40%股份。拥有60%股份的雪佛龙公司担任作业者。     道达尔公司负责勘探的高级副总裁麦克拉克伦说,巴利摩发现是道达尔公司迄今在墨西哥湾获得的最大石油发现。     李峻 编译自OGJ     原文如下:     Total makes largest company discovery in gulf to date     Total SA is confirming upside potential with a sidetrack to its Ballymore discovery. Drilled to a final depth of 8,898 m, the Ballymore well encountered 205 m of net oil pay in a high-quality Jurassic Norphlet reservoir. The well is in 2,000 m of water about 120 km offshore Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Total reported the Ballymore prospect covers four blocks in the Norphlet play, including Mississippi Canyon Block 607 where the discovery was made. Total acquired a 40% interest in Ballymore as part of its September 2017 exploration agreement with Chevron Corp. (60% as operator).
    Ballymore—said Kevin McLachlan, Total’s senior vice-president, exploration—is the company’s largest discovery in gulf to date.
