中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月25日消息,美国俄克拉荷马州库欣数量庞大的储油罐一度被人们认为因供应过剩而难以跟上储存需求,但是现在这些储油罐的储油量减少了一半,反映出美国石油供应量的锐减,正推动油价上涨至数年高点。目前美国基准的WTI原油交割地库欣地区的原油库存只有3,900万桶,较九个月前的库存量低了44%,创2015年1月以来最低水平。目前库欣地区储油罐的储存量刚好是其7,800万桶储存能力的一半。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Cushing Oil Storage Plunges to Half-Empty Symbolizing the dramatic plunge in US oil supplies that’s pushing oil prices to multi-year highs, a massive tank farm in Cushing, Okla. that people once thought might overflow due to a glut is now half-empty.crude oil storage at Cushing, the US’s commercial hub and delivery point for benchmark crude WTI, is now just 39M bbls, which is 44% less than just nine months ago and the lowest since January 2015. Storage is now exactly half the tank farm’s working capacity of 78M bbls.