

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻网1月24日莫斯科报道,全球最受欢迎的在线船舶跟踪网站Marine Traffic周三公布的数据显示,装载着第一批俄罗斯液化天然气(LNG)的《Gaselys号》运输船已抵达美国距离波士顿目的地只有几英里之远的海域。 这批LNG货物在经过了漫长的航程以后将抵达波士顿,这批LNG货物的第一部分航程是从俄罗斯亚马尔LNG厂到英国,这批LNG货物在英国装上了法国能源巨头Engie的《Gaselys号》运输船以后开始其第二部分航程。 1月19日,这艘运输船似乎在大西洋中部转向。法国Engie对俄罗斯媒体说,转向是由于恶劣天气。 其间,法国在1月10日从亚马尔LNG厂收到了另外LNG货物。亚马尔LNG厂预计将有3条每条具有年产550万吨LNG能力的生产线以及一条额外生产线具有年产100万吨LNG能力。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: First Shipment of Russia’s Liquefied Natural Gas Arrives in US Tanker Gaselys with the first shipment of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) is in US waters, only a few miles away from its destination in Boston, ship tracking service Marine Traffic showed on Wednesday. The LNG shipment is about to reach Boston after a long-winded journey, with the first leg from Russia’s Yamal LNG plant to the United Kingdom, where it was picked up by French Gaselys tanker for the second part of the journey. On January 19, the tanker appeared to turn around in the middle of the Atlantic. France’s Engie company that owns the tanker told Russia’s RBC newspaper that the turn was made due to bad weather. Meanwhile, France received another LNG shipment from Yamal on January 10. Yamal LNG is expected to have three production lines with the capacity of 5.5 million tonnes of LNG and one extra line with the capacity of one million tonnes.
