中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯墨西哥城1月24日消息,墨西哥政府透露计划,将在今年7月份的拍卖活动中提供37个陆地石油区块,墨西哥能源部估计将吸引约33亿美元的投资。 墨西哥石油部和石油行业监管部门周三在公告中称,这些区块位于墨西哥东北部和东南部地区,合计面积为9500平方公里,估计拥有2.6亿桶石油当量的天然气和轻质原油。 墨西哥石油部表示,如果勘探获得成功,那么每个区块的平均投资将达到8900万美元。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Mexico to Auction 37 Oil Blocks in July The Mexican government unveiled plans to offer 37 onshore oil blocks in a July auction, which the Energy Ministry estimates could drum up about $3.3 billion in investment. The blocks are located in northeastern and southeastern Mexico, covering a combined area of 9,500 square kilometers (3,668 square miles) with prospects of reserves for 260 million barrels of oil equivalent in gas and light crude, the ministry and the oil industry regulator said in a statement Wednesday. The ministry said investment could average $89 million per block if exploration is successful.