

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯1月23日伦敦报道,根据标普全球普氏能源资讯公布的统计数据,欧洲苯乙烯现货价格日前飙升到了去年9月初以来的最高水平。 统计数据显示,欧洲苯乙烯5至30天远期现货价格在周一每吨猛增了80.5美元以后在周二每吨又暴涨了34美元,达到了每吨1462美元。 尽管盛禧奥公司在陶氏化学公司在相同地点的裂解装置出现问题以后在德国的Boehlen装置也出现了问题,欧洲苯乙烯市场上周一直相对平静。 尽管普氏能源无法确认具体细节,本周苯乙烯价格暴涨其实是对2月份和3月份预计的转场的反应。美国听说最近也开始了裂解装置的维护作业。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: European spot styrene surges to four-and-a-half month high European styrene spot prices have surged to the highest level since early September, according to S&P Global Platts data.
The five- to 30-day forward spot price was assessed at $1,462/mt FOB ARA Tuesday, up $34/mt on the day, following an $80.50/mt jump on Monday.
The European styrene market had been relatively calm last week despite an issue heard at Trinseo’s Boehlen unit in Germany, following issues at Dow’s cracker at the same site.
The jump in styrene prices this week were heard in reaction to anticipated turnarounds in February and March. Maintenance work was heard to have started in the US recently, although Platts could not confirm the exact details.
