

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯1月23日伦敦报道,荷兰经济大臣埃里克日前在一封致大型工业用户的信中说,为了减少来自格罗宁根气田低热量气体的消耗和开采,荷兰的大型工业用户在2022年前将逐步淘汰使用格罗宁根天然气。 这封信是在上周五发出并于周二早上公诸于世。埃里克说,在荷兰逐步淘汰低热量天然气是“不可避免的”,这是减少格罗宁根气田开采量的一个重要方法。 他补充说,荷兰政府内阁将与国外合作伙伴进行对话来探索加速从低热量气体使用转换到这些国家已经在开发的高热量气体的可能性。 埃里克说,有两种方法可以逐步淘汰低热量气体的消费:提高能源供应的可持续性或低热量气体使用转换到高热量气体。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Large Dutch industrial users to quit Groningen natural gas by 2022: Minister Large-scale industrial users in the Netherlands will phase out usage of Groningen gas by 2022 in an effort to reduce low-calorific gas consumption and gas extraction from the Groningen gas field, Dutch economy minister Eric Wiebes said on a letter to large industrial users.
The letter was sent Friday and made public Tuesday morning. The phase out of low-calorific gas in the Netherlands is “inescapable”, which is “an important way to reduce gas extraction in the Groningen field”, given Dutch household depends heavily on low-calorific gas for their heating supply, Wiebes said.
“The Cabinet will enter into dialog with partners abroad to explore possibilities to accelerate the switch from the use of low-calorific gas to high-calorific gas, which is already being deployed in these countries,” he added.
Wiebes said there were two ways to phase out low-calorific gas consumption: making the energy supply more sustainable or switching the use of low-calorific gas to high-calorific gas.
