

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社巴格达1月22日报道,周一,伊拉克同意与美国能源公司Orion达成一项协议,处理在其Nahr Bin Omar巨型油田提取的天然气。 由石油部和美国公司双方代表在巴格达签署的谅解备忘录将允许Orion天然气加工商建造设施,以获取位于伊拉克南部油田的天然气,并将其转化为可用燃料。 由国营巴士拉石油公司经营的Nahr Bin Omar公司每天生产超过4万桶石油和2500万立方英尺天然气。 由于伊拉克缺乏将原油加工成当地消费品或出口的燃料的设施,伊拉克继续燃烧一些伴随原油一起开采出来的天然气。 石油部长Jabar al-Luaibi在仪式上说,Orion将获取和处理1亿至1.5亿立方英尺/天(mcf)的天然气。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq, Orion sign deal to process gas from giant oilfield Iraq agreed a deal with U.S. energy company Orion on Monday to process natural gas extracted at its giant Nahr Bin Omar oilfield. The memorandum of understanding, signed in Baghdad by representatives of the oil ministry and the U.S. company, will allow Orion Gas Processors to build facilities to capture the gas from the field located in southern Iraq and to transform it into usable fuels. Nahr Bin Omar, operated by state-run Basra Oil Co., is producing more than 40,000 barrels per day of oil (bpd) and 25 million cubic feet a day of natural gas. Iraq continues to flare some of the gas extracted alongside crude oil at its fields because it lacks the facilities to process it into fuel for local consumption or exports. Orion will capture and process 100 million to 150 million cubic feet/day (mcf) of gas, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi said at the ceremony.
