中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新德里1月20日消息,印度最大的油气勘探商印度油气公司(ONGC)周六表示,公司已经同意斥资57.8亿美元收购政府在印度国有炼油商印度斯坦石油公司(HPCL)中所持有的主要股权。ONGC在提交给证券交易所的文件中表示,公司将以比HPCL当前市场价格高出约14%的价格收购51.1%的股权。公司预计在1月底完成该交易。
ONGC将以每股473.97卢比的价格收购HPCL股权。周五HPCL的收盘价格为416.2卢比/股。 庞晓华 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India’s ONGC to buy majority stake in refiner HPCL for $5.78 billion India’s biggest explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) has agreed to buy the government’s majority stake in state-refiner Hindustan Petroleum Corp for $5.78 billion, ONGC said on Saturday. It will pay a premium of about 14 percent on HPCL’s current market price for the 51.1 percent stake, the company said in a statement to the stock exchange. It expects to complete the transaction by end-January. Purchasing a stake in India’s third biggest state-owned refiner would also help ONGC to diversify its cash flow and reduce its vulnerability to changing global crude prices, it added. ONGC will pay 473.97 rupees per share for HPCL. The closing price for the shares on Friday was 416.2 rupees.