中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月19日消息,国际能源署(IEA)周五表示,今年美国原油产量预计将超过沙特,并与俄罗斯争夺榜首,沙特和俄罗斯是目前全球最大的两个产油国。 IEA在其备受关注的月度石油市场报告中称,受页岩油行业复苏提振,2018年美国原油产量应会超过1,000万桶/日,达到1970年以来的最高水平。IEA将今年美国原油量供应预期上调26万桶/日,至创纪录的1,040万桶/日,主要原因在于油价近期的上涨。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: U.S. Oil Output Expected to Surpass Saudi Arabia U.S. crude-oil production this year is expected to surpass Saudi Arabia’s and rival that of Russia, the world’s two largest oil producers, the International Energy Agency said Friday. Boosted by a resurgent shale industry, U.S. crude production will likely climb above 10 million barrels a day in 2018, which would top the high set in 1970, the agency said in its closely watched monthly oil market report. The IEA raised its outlook for U.S. crude supply this year by 260,000 barrels a day, to a record 10.4 million barrels a day, largely a result of the recent rally in crude prices.