

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站1月17日休斯敦报道,在从位于波兰喀尔巴阡山省Debica和Ropczyce-Sedziszow地区的勘探井在非常规中新世地层中获得工业天然气流以后,国有波兰国家石油天然气公司(波国油/PGNiG SA)计划加强波兰南部的勘探力度。 波国油说,在与生产系统连接以后,来自拥有丰富甲烷储量的Sedziszow-38K井和Korzeniowek-1K井的日天然气流量将分别达到6.8万立方米和2.2万立方米。 Sedziszow-38K井位于Nosowka许可证区内,而Korzeniowek-1K井位于Mielec-Bojanow许可证区内,波国油拥有这两份许可证的100%股份并独自进行勘探作业。 在分析地质数据以后,波国油将决定在上述许可证区域内进一步钻井。这个项目将在6月份完成。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: PGNiG to advance exploration in Poland after gas discovery State-owned PGNiG SA plans intensification of exploratory work in southeastern Poland after discovering industrial gas flows from wells in the Debica and Ropczyce-Sedziszow districts in unconventional Miocene formations in Podkarpackie, Poland.
Gas flows from the methane-rich Sedziszow-38K and Korzeniowek-1K wells will reach 68,000 cu m/day and 22,000 cu m/day, respectively, after connection to production systems, PGNiG said. Sedziszow-38K was drilled in the Nosowka license area. Korzeniowek-1K was drilled in the Mielec-Bojanow license area. PGNiG SA owns 100% interest in both licenses and conducts exploration independently. Following geological data analysis, PGNiG will decide about further drilling in the license area. The project will be completed in June.  
